Wild animals name


Embark on a captivating journey through the diverse world of wildlife with our comprehensive list of over 300 wild animals name in English, meticulously curated from A to Z.

This curated collection is not only an educational resource but a visual treat as well, accompanied by vibrant images that bring these fascinating creatures to life. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a student, or simply curious about the incredible fauna that inhabits our planet, this meticulously compiled list is your gateway to a deeper understanding of the animal kingdom.

Explore this curated compendium and let the awe-inspiring beauty of nature unfold before your eyes.

Wild animals name

Wild Animals name : A-Z list

  1. Alligator
  2. Antelope
  3. Aardvark
  4. Albatross
  5. Anaconda
  6. Armadillo
  7. African Elephant
  8. American Bison
  9. Arctic Fox
  10. Arctic Hare
  11. American Black Bear
  12. Asian Black Bear
  13. Amur Leopard
  14. Asian Elephant
  15. Amazon River Dolphin
  16. African Lion
  17. Asian Lion
  18. Andean Condor
  19. African Rock Python
  20. American Crocodile
  21. Baboon
  22. Badger
  23. Banded Palm Civet
  24. Barb
  25. Barn Owl
  26. Barnacle
  27. Barracuda
  28. Barramundi Fish
  29. Basenji Dog
  30. Basking Shark
  31. Basset Fauve de Bretagne
  32. Basset Hound
  33. Bat
  34. Bavarian Mountain Hound
  35. Beagle
  36. Bear
  37. Beaver
  38. Bedlington Terrier
  39. Beetle
  40. Bengal Tiger
  41. Cheetah
  42. Cougar
  43. Coyote
  44. Caracal
  45. Chimpanzee
  46. Capuchin Monkey
  47. Cassowary
  48. Cobra
  49. Crocodile
  50. California Sea Lion
  51. Caribou
  52. Civet
  53. Clouded Leopard
  54. Common Loon
  55. Coati
  56. Collared Peccary
  57. Colobus Monkey
  58. Common Genet
  59. Common Marmoset
  60. Common Wombat
  61. Dingo
  62. Dhole
  63. Dik-dik
  64. Dugong
  65. Dung beetle
  66. Desert tortoise
  67. Desert iguana
  68. Dragonfly
  69. Drongo
  70. Darter bird
  71. Dunnart
  72. Damselfly
  73. Diamondback rattlesnake
  74. Draco lizard
  75. Dabchick
  76. Desman
  77. Deathstalker scorpion
  78. Douroucouli (night monkey)
  79. Duck-billed platypus
  80. Dhole (Asian wild dog)
  81. Elephant
  82. Eagle
  83. Elk
  84. Eland
  85. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
  86. European Adder
  87. Eurasian Lynx
  88. Emu
  89. Ethiopian Wolf
  90. Echidna
  91. Egyptian Mongoose
  92. European Hare
  93. European Otter
  94. Eastern Grey Kangaroo
  95. Eastern Hellbender
  96. Egyptian Cobra
  97. Emperor Penguin
  98. Eurasian Brown Bear
  99. European Badger
  100. European Polecat
  101. Falcon
  102. Ferret
  103. Finch
  104. Fire-bellied Toad
  105. Fossa
  106. Flying Squirrel
  107. Florida Panther
  108. Frigatebird
  109. Fruit Bat
  110. Fox
  111. Fur Seal
  112. Field Mouse
  113. Fiddler Crab
  114. Flicker
  115. Flying Fish
  116. Frogfish
  117. Florida Manatee
  118. Fairy Penguin
  119. Fisher
  120. Fennec Fox
  121. Gazelle
  122. Gaur
  123. Gecko
  124. Gelada
  125. Gharial
  126. Giant Panda
  127. Gibbon
  128. Gila Monster
  129. Giraffe
  130. Gnu (Wildebeest)
  131. Goanna
  132. Golden Eagle
  133. Golden Lion Tamarin
  134. Golden Pheasant
  135. Gorilla
  136. Grasshopper Mouse
  137. Gray Wolf
  138. Greater Flamingo
  139. Green Sea Turtle
  140. Grey Heron
  141. Hyena
  142. Hippopotamus
  143. Honey Badger
  144. Harpy Eagle
  145. Highland Cow
  146. House Sparrow
  147. Horseshoe Crab
  148. Humpback Whale
  149. Humboldt Penguin
  150. Hammerhead Shark
  151. Hare
  152. Hoopoe
  153. Horned Lizard
  154. House Mouse
  155. Hartebeest
  156. House Martin
  157. Highland Tigerfish
  158. Hog Deer
  159. Himalayan Tahr
  160. Howler Monkey
  161. Ibis
  162. Impala
  163. Indian Elephant
  164. Indian Pangolin
  165. Indian Rhinoceros
  166. Indigo Snake
  167. Indri
  168. Insectivorous Bat
  169. Insectivorous Bird
  170. Insectivorous Frog
  171. Insectivorous Lizard
  172. Insectivorous Marsupial
  173. Insectivorous Mammal
  174. Insectivorous Rodent
  175. Insectivorous Shark
  176. Insectivorous Songbird
  177. Insectivorous Turtle
  178. Insectivorous Waterfowl
  179. Irrawaddy Dolphin
  180. Irukandji Jellyfish
  181. Jackal
  182. Jaguar
  183. Jellyfish
  184. Jerboa
  185. Kangaroo
  186. Kingfisher
  187. Koala
  188. Komodo Dragon
  189. Kookaburra
  190. Lemur
  191. Leopard
  192. Lion
  193. Lizard
  194. Lynx
  195. Macaw
  196. Magpie
  197. Mandrill
  198. Manatee
  199. Manta Ray
  200. Mantis Shrimp
  201. Meerkat
  202. Mongoose
  203. Monitor Lizard
  204. Moose
  205. Mountain Goat
  206. Mountain Lion
  207. Musk Ox
  208. Narwhal
  209. Newt
  210. Ocelot
  211. Octopus
  212. Okapi
  213. Orangutan
  214. Ostrich
  215. Otter
  216. Owl
  217. Panda
  218. Pangolin
  219. Panther
  220. Peacock
  221. Pelican
  222. Penguin
  223. Pheasant
  224. Pika
  225. Platypus
  226. Porcupine
  227. Puma
  228. Quail
  229. Quokka
  230. Rabbit
  231. Raccoon
  232. Rat
  233. Red Panda
  234. Reindeer
  235. Rhinoceros
  236. Salamander
  237. Sand Dollar
  238. Sandpiper
  239. Scorpion
  240. Sea Lion
  241. Sea Turtle
  242. Seahorse
  243. Shark
  244. Sheep
  245. Shrimp
  246. Sloth
  247. Snail
  248. Snake
  249. Snow Leopard
  250. Sparrow
  251. Spider
  252. Squirrel
  253. Starfish
  254. Stingray
  255. Stoat
  256. Stork
  257. Sunfish
  258. Swan
  259. Tapir
  260. Tarantula
  261. Tasmanian Devil
  262. Tarsier
  263. Tiger
  264. Toucan
  265. Trout
  266. Tuatara
  267. Turkey
  268. Turtle
  269. Uakari
  270. Uguisu
  271. Uinta Ground Squirrel
  272. Umbrellabird
  273. Upland Sandpiper
  274. Upupa
  275. Urutu
  276. Urutu Cruzeiro
  277. Urutu Pit Viper
  278. Urial
  279. Urutu Pit Viper
  280. Utahraptor
  281. Utonagan
  282. Uva Ursi Bear
  283. Uvea Parakeet
  284. Uganda Kob
  285. Uganda Mangabey
  286. Uganda Sitatunga
  287. Umbrellabird
  288. Unau
  289. Viper
  290. Vulture
  291. Wallaby
  292. Warthog
  293. Wasp
  294. Weasel
  295. Whale
  296. Wolf
  297. Xenops
  298. Xerus (African Ground Squirrel)
  299. Xantus’s Hummingbird
  300. Zebra
  301. Zorilla
  302. Zebu
  303. Zigzag salamander
  304. Zebra dove
  305. Zanzibar red banana
  306. Zebra Duiker
  307. Zimbabwe baboon spider
  308. Zebra Shark
  309. Zebra-tailed Lizard

Categories of wild animals

Here are some categories of wild animals along with short descriptions:


Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that typically have hair or fur and give birth to live young. They nurse their offspring with milk produced by mammary glands.


Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by feathers, beaks, and the laying of hard-shelled eggs. They have adapted to various environments and have a wide range of physical characteristics.


Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates with dry, scaly skin. They lay eggs with tough, leathery shells. Examples include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles.


Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates that spend part of their lives in water and part on land. They typically lay eggs in water and undergo metamorphosis.


Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water and respire using gills. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, adapted to their aquatic environments.


Insects are a diverse group of invertebrates characterized by having six legs, typically one or two pairs of wings, and segmented bodies. They are the most numerous and diverse group of animals on Earth.


Arachnids are a class of joint-legged invertebrates that include spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites. They have two main body parts and typically four pairs of legs.


Crustaceans are a group of arthropods that include animals like crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. They are primarily aquatic and have a hard exoskeleton.


Mollusks are soft-bodied invertebrates with a hard shell, which may be internal or external. Examples include snails, clams, and octopuses.


Echinoderms are marine invertebrates with radial symmetry, often featuring spines or plates on their skin. Examples include starfish and sea urchins.

Remember, within each category, there are numerous species, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations to their specific environments.

Interesting Fact about wild animals

Here’s a table with interesting facts about some wild animals:

AnimalInteresting Fact
African ElephantLargest land mammal, capable of sophisticated communication using infrasound.
Arctic FoxCan change fur color with the seasons, adapting from white in winter to brown in summer.
Blue WhaleLargest animal on Earth, its heart alone can weigh as much as a car.
CheetahWorld’s fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds up to 60-70 mph.
Golden EagleOne of the most powerful birds of prey, capable of hunting animals larger than itself.
Great White SharkHas a sixth sense called electroreception, detecting electrical fields emitted by prey.
HummingbirdOnly bird capable of sustained hovering and can beat its wings up to 80 times per second.
Komodo DragonWorld’s largest lizard, with venomous saliva that helps in hunting.
NarwhalKnown as the “unicorns of the sea,” males have a long, spiral tusk.
PlatypusOne of the few mammals capable of laying eggs, also has a bill similar to a duck.
Wild animals name video


In conclusion, compiling a comprehensive list of over 300 wild animal names in English with accompanying images is a remarkable endeavor that provides valuable educational resources for enthusiasts, students, and nature lovers.

This resource not only fosters a deeper understanding of the diverse and fascinating wildlife inhabiting our planet but also serves as a powerful tool for conservation efforts.

By showcasing the richness of Earth’s biodiversity, this compilation encourages a greater appreciation for the natural world and underscores the importance of preserving it for generations to come.

FAQ : Frequently ask question

What are the only 10 wild animals?

There are far more than just ten wild animals in the world. The diversity of wildlife is immense and includes millions of species. If you’re looking for a list of iconic or well-known wild animals, some examples could include
Lions, elephants, tigers, giraffes, wolves, bears, zebras, eagles, pandas, and dolphins.
However, this is just a small fraction of the incredible variety of creatures that inhabit our planet.

What is Indian wild animal?

India is home to a diverse range of wild animals. Some of the notable ones include the Bengal tiger, Indian elephant, Indian rhinoceros, leopard, Asiatic lion, Indian wild dog (dhole), and various species of deer like the sambar and chital. There are also a wide variety of bird species, reptiles, and other mammals found in the country’s diverse ecosystems.

What is the name for wild animals?

Wild animals are often referred to simply as “wildlife.” This term encompasses all non-domesticated creatures that live in their natural habitats.

What is wild animals for kids?

“Wild animals for kids” typically refers to educational resources, books, videos, or activities designed to teach children about animals that live in the wild. These resources often include facts about different species, their habitats, behaviors, and the importance of conservation. They aim to engage and educate children about the natural world and promote an understanding of wildlife and their role in ecosystems.

What is a wild called?

A wild area or undeveloped land is often referred to as wilderness. It’s a natural environment that has not been significantly altered or influenced by human activity.

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