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Direct and Indirect Speech in Hindi

हमारी रोज़मर्रा की बातचीत, कहानियाँ, रिपोर्ट और परीक्षा के प्रश्नों में अक्सर किसी व्यक्ति के बोले हुए शब्दों को दो तरह से लिखा जाता है। इसे कथन (Narration) कहते हैं।

  • Direct Speech (प्रत्यक्ष कथन): वक्ता के शब्दों को जैसा है वैसा ही लिखना।
  • Indirect Speech (अप्रत्यक्ष कथन): वक्ता की बात को अपने शब्दों में बदलकर लिखना ताकि मूल अर्थ बना रहे।

(Note: Direct speech preserves exact words, whereas indirect speech paraphrases the content.)

प्रत्यक्ष कथन किसे कहते हैं? (Direct Speech?)

प्रत्यक्ष कथन में वक्ता के बोले शब्दों को उद्धरण चिन्ह (“…”) में लिखा जाता है। यह दिखाता है कि ये शब्द उसी वक्ता ने बोले थे।


  • हिंदी: राम ने कहा, “मैं कल दिल्ली जाऊँगा।”
  • For explanation only: Ram said, “I will go to Delhi tomorrow.”

अतिरिक्त जानकारी:
प्रत्यक्ष कथन का उपयोग तब किया जाता है जब हमें वक्ता के मूल शब्दों का सही-सही पालन करना होता है, जैसे कि समाचार रिपोर्ट, साक्षात्कार, या कहानियों में।

अप्रत्यक्ष कथन किसे कहते हैं? (Indirect Speech?)

अप्रत्यक्ष कथन में वक्ता की बात को अपने शब्दों में लिखा जाता है, बिना उद्धरण चिन्ह के। इसमें आमतौर पर “कि” शब्द का प्रयोग होता है और काल, सर्वनाम आदि में बदलाव आता है।


  • हिंदी: राम ने कहा कि वह कल दिल्ली जाएगा।
  • For explanation only: Ram said that he would go to Delhi tomorrow.

अतिरिक्त जानकारी:
अप्रत्यक्ष कथन का उपयोग तब किया जाता है जब हमें बातचीत का सारांश देना हो या जब बार-बार वही बात दोहरानी हो। यह लेखन को सरल और सारगर्भित बनाता है।

Direct और Indirect Speech में अंतर

मुख्य अंतर:

  • उद्धरण चिन्ह:
    • Direct Speech: “…” का प्रयोग होता है।
    • Indirect Speech: उद्धरण चिन्ह नहीं लगते।
  • रिपोर्टिंग वर्ब का परिवर्तन:
    • Direct Speech: बोले शब्द जैसे हैं वैसे ही लिखे जाते हैं (जैसे, कहा, पूछा)।
    • Indirect Speech: “कहा” को “कहा कि” में बदलकर लिखते हैं।
  • काल और सर्वनाम में परिवर्तन:
    • Direct Speech: मूल रूप जैसा है।
    • Indirect Speech: काल (tense) और सर्वनाम (pronoun) बदल जाते हैं ताकि वाक्य का संदर्भ सही रहे।
  • समय और स्थान के शब्द:
    • Direct Speech: “आज”, “कल”, “यहाँ” जैसे शब्द 그대로 होते हैं।
    • Indirect Speech: इन्हें “उस दिन”, “अगले दिन”, “वहाँ” में बदल दिया जाता है।

Direct से Indirect Speech में बदलने के प्रकार

कथन को बदलते समय अलग-अलग प्रकार के वाक्यों का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है:

  • Statements (विधानवाचक वाक्य):
    • Direct: सीता ने कहा, “मैं पढ़ रही हूँ।”
    • Indirect: सीता ने कहा कि वह पढ़ रही है।
  • Questions (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य):
    • Yes/No Questions:
      • Direct: उसने पूछा, “क्या तुम बाज़ार जा रहे हो?”
      • Indirect: उसने पूछा कि क्या मैं बाज़ार जा रहा हूँ।
    • Wh-Questions:
      • Direct: उसने पूछा, “तुम यहाँ क्यों हो?”
      • Indirect: उसने पूछा कि मैं यहाँ क्यों हूँ।
  • Commands and Requests (आदेश या अनुरोध):
    • Direct: शिक्षक ने कहा, “अपना होमवर्क करो।”
    • Indirect: शिक्षक ने कहा कि हम अपना होमवर्क करें।
  • Exclamatory Sentences (विस्मयादिबोधक वाक्य):
    • Direct: उसने कहा, “क्या सुंदर दिन है!”
    • Indirect: उसने कहा कि दिन बहुत सुंदर है।

Direct से Indirect Speech बनाने के नियम

प्रत्यक्ष कथन को अप्रत्यक्ष कथन में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित नियम अपनाएँ:

  1. Reporting Verb Changes:
    • “कहा” को “कहा कि” में बदलें।
    • “पूछा” को “पूछा कि” में बदलें।
  2. Pronoun Changes:
    • “मैं” बदलकर “वह” या “उसे” करें, रिपोर्टर के अनुसार।
  3. Tense Changes:
    • यदि रिपोर्टिंग वर्ब भूतकाल में है, तो वर्तमान काल को भूतकाल में बदल दें।
      • उदाहरण: “मैं कल आऊँगा” → “अगले दिन आएगा”।
  4. Time and Place Modifiers:
    • “आज” → “उस दिन”
    • “कल” → “अगले दिन”
    • “यहाँ” → “वहाँ”
  5. Removal of Inverted Commas:
    • उद्धरण चिन्ह (“…”) निकाल दें।
  6. Special Sentence Conversions:
    • Questions: “क्या” वाले प्रश्न को “क्या … है” में बदलें और ‘if’ या उपयुक्त शब्द का प्रयोग करें।
    • Commands: आज्ञा वाले वाक्यों को उपयुक्त आदेश रूप में बदलें।

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech Conversion


  • Direct: सीता ने कहा, “मैं पढ़ रही हूँ।”
  • Indirect: सीता ने कहा कि वह पढ़ रही है।


  • Direct (Yes/No): उसने पूछा, “क्या तुम बाज़ार जा रहे हो?”
  • Indirect: उसने पूछा कि क्या मैं बाज़ार जा रहा हूँ।


  • Direct: शिक्षक ने कहा, “अपना होमवर्क करो।”
  • Indirect: शिक्षक ने कहा कि हम अपना होमवर्क करें।

(Practice these conversions to strengthen your understanding.)

Common Mistakes and Tips

सामान्य गलतियाँ:

  • Tense में गलती:
    रिपोर्टिंग वर्ब भूतकाल में होने पर वाक्य के काल में सही बदलाव न होना।
  • Pronoun का भ्रम:
    “मैं” को “वह” या “उसे” में गलत तरीके से बदलना।
  • Inverted commas का गलत प्रयोग:
    Direct Speech में उद्धरण चिन्ह लगाना और Indirect Speech में नहीं लगाना।


  • रोज़ कुछ वाक्यों को दोनों रूपों में लिखें।
  • अपने लिखे हुए वाक्यों को जोर से पढ़ें ताकि गलतियाँ न रहें।
  • अभ्यास करने से ही नियमों का सही ज्ञान आता है।

Direct and Indirect Speech: Examples

Assertive sentence

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
I say to him, “The sun rises in the East.”I tell him that the sun rises in the East.
“Mira is ill,” Says Sunita.Sunita says that Mira is ill.
Ram says to sunil, “Khushi is reading a newspaper.”Ram tells to Sunil that Khushi is reading a newspaper.
Rohan said, “Two and tow make four.”Rohan said that two and two four.
Rahul says, “Sohan plays cricket.”Rahul says that Sohan plays cricket.
Suresh will say to me, “Ankit is a good boy.”Suresh will tell me that Ankit is a good boy.
Aman said, “Anil writes an essay.”Aman sad that Anil wrote an essay.
Ram said, “Aman is unwell.”Ram said that Aman was unwell.
Monika said to me, “Roxy has done the work.”Monica told me that Roxy had done the work.
Aman said to Ravi, “Mina has been reading for three hours.”Aman told Ravi that Meena had been reading for three hours.
“Ankit will not go to school,” said Vinod.Vinod said that Ankit would not go to school.
Amir said to Ravi, “Soni shall complete the work.”Aamir told Ravi that Sony would complete the work.
Shivam said, “Siddharth can solve the difficult questions.”Shivam said that Siddharth could solve the difficult Questions.
Anuj said, “It may rain.”Anuj said it might rain.
Anuj said, “Sudha was waiting for her sister but she didn’t come.”Anuj said that Sudha has been waiting waiting for her sister but see had not come.
My teacher said to me, “India because free on 15th August, 1947.”My teacher told me that India become free on 15th August, 1947.
“Umesh had been working for an hour,” he said to me.He told me that Umesh had been working for an hour.
Suhani said to her friend, “Sudhanshu could climb the tree.”Suhani told her friend that Sudhanshu could climb the tree.
“Man is mortal,” said he.He said that man is mortal.
Aman said, “All the Students should complete the home work.”Aman said that all the student should complete the homework.

Declarative Sentences

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
I say to him, “The sun rises in the East.”I tell him that the sun rises in the East.
My teacher said, “Honesty is the best policy.”My teacher said that honesty is the best policy.
Galileo said, “The earth moves round the sun.”Galileo said that the earth moves round the sun.
He says, “The child is crying.”He says that the child is crying.
She said, “He must respect his parents.”She said that he must respect his parents.
He said, “The man was coming.”He said that the man had been coming.
He said, “I will come here.”He said that he would go there.
He said, “You are a student.”He said that I was a student.
He said to me yesterday, “I will return your book tomorrow.”He told me yesterday that he would return my book the following day.
Gita said, “My father served in Delhi before retirement.”Gita said that her father had served in Delhi before retirement.
The teacher said, “My students were playing hockey before sun-set.”The teacher said that his students had been playing hockey before sun-set.
“They did not treat me fairly,” I said.I said that they had not treated me fairly.
Sheela said, “I have lost my watch.”Sheela said that she had lost her watch.
He said, “Man is mortal.”He said that man is mortal.
He said, “This is my book.”He said that this was his book.
She said to her parents yesterday, “I do not like Physics.”She told her parents yesterday that she did not like Physics.

Imperative sentence

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
I say to him, “The sun rises in the East.”I tell him that the sun rises in the East.
The old woman said to the boy, “Please help me.”The old woman requested the boy to help her.
I said to him, “Love and obey your parents.”I advised him to love and obey his parents.
The teacher said to the students, “Work hard.”The teacher advised the boys to work hard.
Jim said to me, “Please lend me your pen.”Jim requested me to lend him my pen.
The doctor said to the patient, “Quit smoking.”The doctor suggested that the patient should quit smoking.
The officer said to the clerk, “Do it immediately.”The officer ordered the clerk to do it immediately.
The teacher said to the boy, “Come in, please.”The teacher allowed (or asked) the boy to come in.
He said to me, “Post this letter at once.”He ordered me to post that letter at once.
I said to the children, “Do not make a noise.”I forbade the children to make a noise.
I said to her, “Don’t mention his name.”I forbade her to mention his name.
I said to the child, “Do not look down into the well.”I warned the child not to look down into the well.
He said to me, “Wait here till I return.”He asked me to wait there till he returned.
He said to me, “please help me.”He requested me to help him.
The teacher said to the student, “do not waste time.”The teacher advised the students not to waste time.
He said, “please give me glass of water.”He requested to give him a glass of water.
“Open the gate, my friend,” said he.He asked his friend to open the gate.
“Never meet me in my office,” said Sima.Sima asked me never to meet her in her office.
He said to me, “could you lend me your pen?”He requested me to lend him my pen.
“Can I use your phone, please?” said Suman.Suman requested me to use my phone.

Interrogative sentence

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
The policeman said to the taxi driver, “Why did you refuse to take these ladies to the railway station?”The policeman asked the taxi driver why he had refused to take those ladies to the railway station.
He said to me, “Why were you beating my servant yesterday?”He asked me why I had been beating his servant the previous day.
He said to me, “Who is your father?”He asked me who my father was.
She said to me, “How many sisters have you?”She asked me how many sisters I had.
You said to him, “When did you buy this house?”You asked him when he had bought that house.
She said to us, “Where were you going yesterday with this man?”She asked us where we had been going the previous day with that man.
He said to me, “How far is Mecca from Madina?”He inquired of me how far Mecca was from Madina.
The policeman said to him, “Why did you beat this old man yesterday?”The policeman asked him why he had beaten that old man the previous day.
The goldsmith said to the thief, “How did you break the lock of this safe?”The goldsmith asked the thief how he had broken the lock of that safe.
“Why,” said the doctor to me, “did you not take this medicine yesterday?”The doctor asked me why I had not taken that medicine the previous day.
She said to me, “When will you return my camera?”She asked me when I would return her camera.
He said to us, “What will you do with this money here?”He asked us what we would do with that money there.
We said to him, “When have you returned from London?”We asked him when he had returned from London.
Father said to me, “How are you feeling now?”Father asked me how I was feeling then.
I said to the teacher, “Sir, why did you expel my brother from your class?”I asked the teacher respectfully why he had expelled my brother from his class.
I said to her, “Why was your baby weeping yesterday?”I asked her why her baby had been weeping the previous day.
I said to him, “When do you get up?”I asked him when he got up.
She said to me, “Where are you going now?”She asked me where I was going then.
I said to him, “What did you eat yesterday?”I inquired of him what he had eaten the previous day.
We said to them, “Who will be visiting your factory tomorrow?”We asked them who would be visiting their factory the next day.

Exclamatory sentence

Direct SpeechIndirect SpeechNotes
He said, “Alas! My cat died.”He exclaimed with sorrow that his cat had died.
She said, “How beautiful the night sky looks!”She exclaimed with wonder that the night sky looked very beautiful.
The man said, “What an intelligent brain he has.”The man exclaimed with surprise that he had a very intelligent brain.
The commander said to them, “Bravo! You did well.”The commander applauded them that they had done well.Consider: “applauded them for doing well.”
The old man said, ‘Alas! I have lost my purse.’The old man exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his purse.
The child said, ‘What a beautiful sight!’The child exclaimed with delight that it was a very beautiful sight.
The girl said, ‘How beautiful the girl is!’The girl exclaimed with delight that the rainbow was very beautiful.Mismatch: Direct speech refers to “the girl” but the indirect speech mentions “the rainbow.”
The candidate said, ‘How difficult the problem is!’The candidate exclaimed with disapproval that the problem was very difficult.
The students said to the teacher, ‘Good morning, Teacher!’The students respectfully wished their teacher good morning.
‘How glad I am,’ said Alice, ‘to meet my friend here.’Alice exclaimed with delight that she was very glad to meet her friend there.
The Emperor said, ‘Alas! Our foes are too strong!’The Emperor exclaimed with sorrow that their foes were too strong.
‘Hurrah!’ cried the boy, ‘I have won a prize.’The boy exclaimed with delight that he had won a prize.Correction: Use “won” (not “done”).
The student said, “Alas! my friend is dead.”The student exclaimed with sorrow that his friend was dead.
He said, “Alas! I am ruined.”He exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
The boys said, “Hurrah! we shall have a jolly holiday tomorrow.”The boys exclaimed with delight that they would have a jolly holiday the following day.
They said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”They exclaimed with delight that they had won the match.
The boy said, “Alas! I have wasted my time all these years.”The boy exclaimed with sorrow that he had wasted his time all those years.
Vidya said to Harshil, “Good luck for the exam!”Vidya wished Harshil good luck for the exam.
Jatin said, “Alas, we lost the match!”Jatin cried that they had lost the match.
The boy said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”The boy exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

Optative sentence

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
My mother said to my friend, “May you long live.”My mother wished my friend that he might live long.
She said to Sita, “May God bless you with a son.”She prayed that God might bless Sita with a son.
She said, “God grant you success.”She prayed that God might grant me successs.
Prashant said, “Good night, papa!”Prashant bade his Papa good night.
The man said to the old man, “May you live a longer life.”The man wished that the old man might live a longer live.
The priest said, “May the god bless you.”The priest prayed that the god might bless him.
She said to me, “Wish you a happy life ahead.”She wished me a happy life ahead.
Mother said, “May my son recover soon.”Mother wished that her son might recover soon.
She said to him, “Wish you were here.”She wished that he was there.
Ram said, “May the truth triumph against all odds.”Ram wished that the truth might triumph against all odds.
The old man said to the nurse, “May God bless you!”The old man wished that God might bless the nurse.
The Saint said, “May you live long!”The saint wished that he might live long.
The poor man said to him, “May you never get happiness in our life!”The poor man cursed him that he might never get happiness in his life.
He said to them all, “Good-bye my friend!”He bade good bye to all his friend.
I said to Shivam, “Happy Christmas!”I best Shivam Happy Christmas.
The old mother said to me, “May you live a thousand year!”The old mother blessed me that I might live a thousand year.
He said to Ram, “May you go to hell!”He caused Ram that he might go to hell.
The boys said, “Oh! my mother should have come by now!”The boys wished that his mother should have come by now.
Pradeep said, “By God! what are good news!”Pradeep swore By God that it was a very good news.
He said, “O for a glass of water!”He wished for a glass of water.

Direct and Indirect Speech in Hindi: Exercises

Exercise 1: Convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

  1. Direct: राम ने कहा, “मैं कल दिल्ली जाऊँगा।”
    Indirect: राम ने कहा कि वह कल दिल्ली जाएगा।
  2. Direct: सीता ने कहा, “मैं पढ़ रही हूँ।”
    Indirect: सीता ने कहा कि वह पढ़ रही है।
  3. Direct: उसने पूछा, “क्या तुम बाज़ार जा रहे हो?”
    Indirect: उसने पूछा कि क्या मैं बाज़ार जा रहा हूँ।
  4. Direct: शिक्षक ने कहा, “अपना होमवर्क करो।”
    Indirect: शिक्षक ने कहा कि हम अपना होमवर्क करें।
  5. Direct: प्राशांत ने कहा, “गुड नाईट, पापा!”
    Indirect: प्राशांत ने पापा को गुड नाईट कहा।

Exercise 2: Convert Indirect Speech to Direct Speech

  1. Indirect: राम ने कहा कि वह कल दिल्ली जाएगा।
    Direct: राम ने कहा, “मैं कल दिल्ली जाऊँगा।”
  2. Indirect: सीता ने कहा कि वह पढ़ रही है।
    Direct: सीता ने कहा, “मैं पढ़ रही हूँ।”
  3. Indirect: उसने पूछा कि क्या मैं बाज़ार जा रहा हूँ।
    Direct: उसने पूछा, “क्या तुम बाज़ार जा रहे हो?”
  4. Indirect: शिक्षक ने कहा कि हम अपना होमवर्क करें।
    Direct: शिक्षक ने कहा, “अपना होमवर्क करो।”
  5. Indirect: प्राशांत ने कहा कि उसने पापा को गुड नाईट कहा।
    Direct: प्राशांत ने कहा, “गुड नाईट, पापा!”

Exercise 3: Fill in the Blanks

  1. Direct Speech: राम ने कहा, “मैं _______ दिल्ली जाऊँगा।”
    Indirect Speech: राम ने कहा कि वह _______ दिल्ली जाएगा।
    (Answer: कल, कल)
  2. Direct Speech: सीता ने कहा, “______ पढ़ रही हूँ।”
    Indirect Speech: सीता ने कहा कि वह _______ पढ़ रही है।
    (Answer: मैं, पढ़ रही)
  3. Direct Speech: उसने पूछा, “क्या तुम ________ जा रहे हो?”
    Indirect Speech: उसने पूछा कि क्या मैं ________ जा रहा हूँ।
    (Answer: बाज़ार, बाज़ार)

Exercise 4: True or False

Determine whether the following conversions are correct. Write True if correct, False if not.

  1. Direct: “मैं खेल रहा हूँ,” उसने कहा।
    Indirect: उसने कहा कि वह खेल रहा है।
    (Answer: True)
  2. Direct: “मैं खाना खा रहा हूँ,” उसने कहा।
    Indirect: उसने कहा कि वह खाना खा रहा है।
    (Answer: True)
  3. Direct: “मैं बाजार जा रहा हूँ,” उसने कहा।
    Indirect: उसने कहा कि वह बाजार जाता है।
    (Answer: False; if the reporting verb is in past, the correct indirect should be “वह बाजार जा रहा था।”)
  4. Direct: “पढ़ाई करो,” शिक्षक ने कहा।
    Indirect: शिक्षक ने कहा कि हम पढ़ाई करें।
    (Answer: True)

Exercise 5: Rewrite in Both Forms

Rewrite the following sentence in both Direct and Indirect Speech:

  1. Sentence: “तुम मेरा दोस्त हो,” उसने कहा।
    • Direct: उसने कहा, “तुम मेरा दोस्त हो।”
    • Indirect: उसने कहा कि वह उसका दोस्त है।
  2. Sentence: “गुड मॉर्निंग,” उसने कहा।
    • Direct: उसने कहा, “गुड मॉर्निंग।”
    • Indirect: उसने गुड मॉर्निंग कहा।

Practice these exercises regularly to become comfortable with converting between Direct and Indirect Speech in Hindi. Happy learning!


प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष कथन का सही ज्ञान आपकी लेखन और बातचीत दोनों में सुधार लाता है। सरल शब्दों और नियमों का पालन करके आप इनका सही उपयोग कर सकते हैं। नियमित अभ्यास से आप आसानी से इन नियमों को अपने रोज़मर्रा के संवाद में शामिल कर पाएंगे।

Happy learning and keep practicing!

FAQs on Direct and Indirect Speech in Hindi

प्रत्यक्ष कथन (Direct Speech) क्या होता है?

प्रत्यक्ष कथन में वक्ता के बोले हुए शब्दों को जैसा है वैसा ही उद्धरण चिन्ह (“…”) में लिखते हैं।
Example: राम ने कहा, “मैं कल दिल्ली जाऊँगा।”

अप्रत्यक्ष कथन (Indirect Speech) क्या होता है?

अप्रत्यक्ष कथन में वक्ता की बात को अपने शब्दों में लिखा जाता है, बिना उद्धरण चिन्ह के। इसमें ‘कि’ शब्द का प्रयोग होता है और सर्वनाम तथा काल में बदलाव किया जाता है।
Example: राम ने कहा कि वह कल दिल्ली जाएगा।

प्रत्यक्ष कथन में उद्धरण चिन्ह क्यों लगते हैं?

उद्धरण चिन्ह से यह स्पष्ट होता है कि जो शब्द लिखे गए हैं, वे उसी वक्ता के मूल शब्द हैं। इससे रिपोर्टिंग में स्पष्टता बनी रहती है।

अप्रत्यक्ष कथन में ‘कि’ शब्द का क्या महत्व है?

जब हम किसी की बात को अपने शब्दों में बदलते हैं, तो ‘कि’ जोड़ने से वाक्य का अर्थ साफ़ हो जाता है और यह बताता है कि आगे की बात वक्ता की कही बात का सार है।

प्रत्यक्ष से अप्रत्यक्ष कथन में सर्वनाम और काल में बदलाव क्यों होता है?

जब बात रिपोर्ट की जाती है, तो वक्ता और रिपोर्टर के दृष्टिकोण में अंतर आ जाता है। इसलिए:
सर्वनाम: “मैं” को “वह” या “मुझे” में बदलना पड़ता है।
काल: यदि रिपोर्टिंग वर्ब भूतकाल में है, तो मूल वाक्य के काल को भी बदलना पड़ता है (जैसे Present → Past)।

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